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Obesity Found to be a Common Denominator in 13 Types of Cancer

October 30, 2017

New statistics from a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have revealed that since the 1990’s, obesity-related cancers now account for roughly 40 percent of all cancers despite a decrease in overall cancer cases.

According to the study, patients that were diagnosed with an obesity-related cancer in 2014 were between the ages of 54 and 70 and more specifically, 55% of women with cancer had a body mass index of at least 25. Self magazine interviewed Dr. Anton Bilchik regarding this new research, in which he commented,

We need to be somewhat cautious. There is a higher incidence of cancer in people who are obese, but it certainly does not mean every obese patient is going to have cancer. Obesity is really just one factor.​

To get more insight into the statistics gathered by the report and to hear additional thoughts from Dr. Anton Bilchik, please read the full article and interview at: